Hello to all who will read the following posts over however long a period I will be writing these posts, if you want to be kept up to date with what God is doing then this is the 'with it' place to be.
First of all I want to thank every single person who has supported me whether it has been generous gifts of money however small it all has helped. For those who have offered up numerous prayers and continue to do so, for those who have supported me by helping put up money raising schemes, and thank you for everyone who has just shown such a supportive interest it has really given me the boost needed.
You'll be happy to hear that ALL the money has now been raised for YWAM (yay), well everything excluding the flights, ut since God has taught me so much about money, patience, putting God first above even the raising of money I have no doubt what so ever that God has got me covered. I leave on October 3rd and I have my first weeks timetable in and all is looking exciting, I even found out that in the second week I will be be off the Blackpool for a week to do some evangelism, so it's all systems go.
I want to share something from the YWAM Carlisle website that really challenged me to the core.
"In the realm of the "possible", here are some suggestions you might consider in raising funds for your fees and airfares. PRAY (Phil 4:6; James 2:26) Spend quality time taking the specific amount of time you need before the Lord. The Bible instructs us that "you have not because you ask not." (James 4:2) Remember also that God's greatest priority is not the finances, but to draw closer to Himself in love. He has no problem with finances, but we need to be praying in the situation that we will be drawn nearer to His heart."
Please pray that the team bonds together and find ourselves easily adjusting, it is going to be a fantastic but mega challenging 6 months.
Franks over and out
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