Hello again =)
I really I wanted to share what I am about to write with you because I want to encourage you so much what happens when you take time out to pray and just be with God. To give you a bit of backgreound me and another guy at YWAM Carlisle wanted to hang out in our prayer room which I might add has an amazin anointing of Gods presence which is just what happens when you take thw time to pray in there constantly and ask God to dwell there. he honors that. Anyway we have been learning a lot about our place in Christ as sons and God just completely through our talking with each other revealed so many wonderful and challenging revelations. I hope and I pray that the Holy Spirit will open up your hearts deeply into what is written and that it too will transform your life bevcause if you take this everything changes.
Revelation One:
We are sons of Christ yet so many of us are scared to take hold of our inheritance because we are scared of what people might think, we are scared of revival because of what it could mean, revival means change. We are so concerned about persecution, being shot, being aqrrested and put in prision, tortured ect.. It is interesting though that we don't think about the persecution that starts at home with the family or our closest friends (particularly those who are Christian). What if these people we loved so much do not accept us because we choose to act in a way that is so uncomfortable in the Western Church, this radical way of living (like Jesus). Just like in the bible the first son inherits everything, as first sons in Christ so do we. We have everything now and we can do radical things through Christ., But are we scared of being rejected?
Revelation Two:
Is your sonship something you get or something you have got? ... What you believe will affect how you live, what you see and what you do. Brothers, sisters we can shape history because Christ did it all as a man. A MAN, (we will do what Christ dfid and greater things still).
Do you want to see a Donkey talk ?
Do you want to experience tounges of fire?
Do you want to raise the dead? (and I'm serious)
The Choice is yours! Do you remember the unhappy son in the story of the Prodigal son, he already had everything, he just had to use it, enjoy it. As for me I know what I want. Are you going to come with me?
Revelation Three:
The Bible is not a list of things to do and not do, it's a book full of two kinds of people. People who take hold of their inheritance (in Christ) and reap such Glory. It's also full of people who refuse to take hold of their inheritance (this especially includes those of us who are Christian) and they reap the consequences of their action or lack of action.
1 - The bible is our inheritance and what it looks like.
2 - Not taking hold of your inheritance in sin.
Revelation Four:
If the four living creatures we read about in Revelation who are flying around Gods throne since the beginning of time crying "HOLY HOLY HOLY" and are not getting bored. How much better will it be for us!
Revelation Five:
Ourn very presence for those of us in Christ emit/raidiate his presence, naturally people will therefore be drawn to us, but so often we try and mask that smell. We are afraid of what people might think or we don't believe in our inheritance. Our inheritaqnce though is not primarily about saying "Oh today because I am stepping into my inheritance I will raise 5 people from the dead". What it's really about is loving Jesus and being loved by him. Compassion is a Godly quality which only comes from this love relationship. If you want to raise people from the dead or heal sick people you must first love and be loved by Christ. Then you will find that your attitude changes as you realise it was never about the healings or the raising of the dead in the first place.
But remember this. Jesus at the end of the day is the only thing that matters, if you did nothing else for the rest of your life but love and be loved by Jesus it would not be a wasted life. But this comes with a health warning.
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