Blessing 1: Sin and the Cross
So hello again I hope you are blessed - well you should be because your blessed by God to be a blessing (Gen 3:1-2) that is if you don't believe me.
Anyway this is a title for a week long lecture and it was a fantastic time. A big part of this week has all been about taking up our authority in Christ something we came quickly to realise that so many Christians do not do, due to laziness or due to not having a fullness of understanding of the power proclaiming scripture and rebuking the enemy actually has.
So we have had many ministry nights on this topic and Praise the LORD so many of us have found new freedom. But not just that we have found a new found power in Christ as we have come to fully understand that if the power of Christ lives in me/us then we have access to that same power to heal the sick, to bring sight to the blind, to raise the dead (and I am very serious) and so on. This is so liberating as now that I and others are beginnning to understand our position in Christ would you believe it boldness and courage increases like nothing I have ever seen or felt before.
I want to encourage you to know your scripture off by heart (something that has taken me too long to realise how important that is). Also I want to encourage you to proclaim scripture as proclaiming I have found brings new and fresh revelation of God himself, this in turn brings freedom, peace, joy, hope, it increases faith. It quite literally transforms us.
I want to leave you with somethign that really challeneged me and opened up my eyes to new freedom and liberation. I hope it makes sense, PLEASE PLEASE ask questions if you don't understand, because if this confuses you and you don't seek answeres you may fall and I do not wish that upon you with all my heart.
Blessings brothers and sisters
In the beginning we know there was two trees inthe Garden of Eden the 'tree of life' and the 'tree of the knowledge of good and evil'. Before the fall adam and eve were living in LIFE. The tree of the knoweldge of good and evil isn't a bad tree which many think it to be, when God created everything it was either good or very good (see genesis). The problem is that adam and eve grasped at something they should not have grasped at. They grasped at trying to be God (knowedlege of good and evil). So now to this day we are stuck in this mindset everyday at trying to be our own god, and self sufficency. This God never created us to be.
The lie of satan is that the christian life is about jumping between two branches. When we dopn't do things such as a quiet time or when we don't say our prayers, or if we don't read our bible, we are so quick to condemn ourselves and we jump to a condemnation branch. So we seek forgivness and jump back to the forgiveness branch and what Christians are doign is jumping between these two, but that is not life, that is a vicious cycle. NOWHERE in the bible does it say 'I will will comdemn those who forget to read their bible' ect....
We have made it about rules and regulations:
- don't dance
- don't smoke
- don't lie
don't this and don't that
When the Christian life is about what we do do. It's not about rules and regulations that is law that is death. Jesus didn't come to help us obey the law or to stop us doing bad stuff. Christianity is about Jesus coming and meeting all the obligations of the law and leaving them on the cross.
"come to me all you who are tired and heavy laidened and I wil lgive yourest" (Matt 11: 28-29)
"I have comer that they may have life and life to the full" (John 10:10)
This is what Jesus came to us. He is giving us back the tree of life that adam and eve first had in the garden of eden. What is life? To know God and to be in relationship with him.
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