Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Prayers, prayers and more prayer

A quick post for you today, just to fill you in with what God has been doing.

Well first things first, thank you for your prayers, I have had an answer from God.

I have been called to Norway to do a School of Evangelism (SOE), along with that I feel God is calling me back to YWAM Carlisle - a long way into future that but I none the less feel a nudging in that direction.

I have also been in talks with many of the YWAM staff and they confirmed in me a leadership anointing and of evangelism. So I would like to ask you to pray for me in these things, that the anointing in me will grow and that I would step into more of my calling. I am so lucky to be in a safe environment in which I am able to freely test the waters (if you like). I would specifically like your prayers in the area of learning how to follow. This is a key area for those going into this type of ministry. I would also like prayer for guidance into the type of leadership ministry this could be (as there are many), I think it is leading into facilitation but I would really like opportunities to put this into practice.

Thank you again for all your prayers, the Holy Spirit is really starting to move in very tangible ways, it is very exciting but very challenging so expect for more to happen and pray for it.

A lot of prayer requests in this post I know but I encourage you that it is having such a mighty affect. Hallelujah.

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